How To Make Your Dreams a Reality: Visualization & Belief

How To Make Your Dreams a Reality: Visualization & Belief

3 min read

“Belief” Images –


Self-belief and visualization are two potent tools that can help you turn your dreams into reality. When you have faith in yourself and can vividly imagine your goals, you create a powerful synergy that propels you forward. In this blog, we will explore how self-belief and visualization work hand in hand to unlock your full potential and bring your aspirations to life.

Why This Matters

With self-belief and visualization, you can set your mind to anything and accomplish it. Although you’ve probably heard that statement over a thousand times already, it’s more true than not.

If you don’t believe that you will be rich, and instead think that you’ll be poor all your life, you ultimately will live and struggle just like every other poor person on planet Earth today.

That is unless you’re willing to change your mindset, and adapt. Otherwise, everything will stay the same.

The truth is that this post should’ve been made a long time ago. Without the power of visualizing a powerful future, and having the deep belief that you can make that come true, you can’t become or achieve anything. None of the other posts will change anything if you don’t leave that mindset of not changing and not adapting.

There’s a great quote said by Alex Hormozi (a multi-million dollar entrepreneur & author) which I’d like to share to you, because I think you’ll like it:

Change is scary, but once the fear of staying the same overlaps the fear of changing, you’ve won.

Alex Hormozi (paraphrased statement)


Visualization is a mental practice where you imagine yourself successfully achieving your goals in great detail. It involves engaging all your senses and emotions to create a vivid mental picture of your desired outcome.

1. Where Do You Want to Be?

To start, ask yourself where you want to be within a few years, months, or even weeks. Do you want to be happy? Married? Fulfilled? Financially free? A business owner?

This is the easy part, but it’ll determine everything you do in the future. So, yeah, it matters a lot.

2. Where Are You Right Now?

At this current moment, are you happy, sad, angry, fulfilled, hopeless, insightful, lost and in need for answers? Where are you?

From there, I want you to compare both where you want to be and where you are currently. How large is the difference? What might need to change leading up to that goal?

3. Paint a Picture

Now that you have both ideas, I want you to paint a picture for both. And when I say “paint a picture”, I’m not asking for a crappy, poorly drawn painting that took no effort nor consideration.

No, I’m asking for a high-quality painting that is real. You can touch, you can smell, you can hear, you can see, and you can taste.

Then, you must live in that moment. Close your eyes, and get to paintin’ that picture. Imagine how great it’d be to be in that perspective, in that life, in those eyes, every single day of every year.

Get away from any noise, any distractions, or any possible disturbances. Sit (or lay) in silence in a pitch black room and picture what a life like this would be. To make this better, think of a time when you were most happy, and add some applicable characteristics from then into this new picture. Make this the greatest painting that you’ll ever create, and ensure that it contains all the elements it needs to get you going.

4. [BONUS] What’ll Get You There?

What steps will you have to take to get to XYZ? When you saw the differences in your painting, what exactly was different and what -precisely- was the opposite of what you’re doing now?

When you have those things listed, just invert the problems that you have now. If you get poor sleep, start getting good sleep. If you want to feel more happy and relaxed, start participating in hobbies and activities that matter the most to you and practice meditation and reading alongside that.


Self-belief is the cornerstone of any successful journey. It is the confidence that you have in your abilities and your worthiness to achieve your goals. Without self-belief, even the most well-defined goals may remain out of reach.

1. Future Achievements

What do you hope to achieve in the next coming years? What makes you think that you aren’t capable of making those dreams come true?

Will you seriously fall vulnerable and fall victim to weakness distributed by your own mind? You two should be working together, taking opportunities together, and reaching a consensus on everything at all times. Sure, it’s not the easiest thing in the world, but it gets you far.

2. Recognize Failure

The main reason humans aren’t confident they can do something is because they don’t believe in themselves. Failure is imminent when it comes to almost everything, and unless you’re willing to accept that, you’ll get nowhere.

Once you realize that in order to learn things, you will have to fail, you will get farther than you could ever have imagined. Successes give us confidence and tell us what we’re doing right, while failures tell us what we can improve upon and what we need to do next to strike harder.

Failure is not the opposite of success, it’s part of success.

Someone on the Internet


Want to achieve anything and set your mind to whatever crazy goal it has? Visualization starts the engine on that process and self-belief fuels it to the skies. As long as you believe, you will achieve.