How To Make 2025 A Year Worth Remembering

How To Make 2025 A Year Worth Remembering

4 min read

“How To Make 2025 A Year Worth Remembering”


Many people see the New Year as a year for growth and achievement. However, only a handful of people ever actually go through with their complete list of resolutions and goals. Why?

The answer is straightforward. It almost always has been. Striving towards a goal and putting more on your already-occupied plate is difficult. It’s a lot to ask for in many cases. After all, many of us just want to relax and spend the time that’s left after work and other regularized tasks at home (like laundry, washing dishes, taking out the trash, watching the news, cooking dinner, helping a child with homework, maybe even another side job).

And for some, this is completely understandable. Some of us have to work 14 or 16+ hours a day across multiple jobs. I get that. However, not everyone does. If you want to be fully functional, and operate properly across those 2 or 3 jobs during the week, you need plenty of sleep. You need lots of energy and motivation to keep on going. For many, the only viable and quick source of these two are 1. sleep and 2. at-home entertainment.

And that’s where I’m here to provide a little comfort. Watching a little bit of television at home after a long day of work, and eating a nice warm meal, and then ending the day off and starting the next day with a good night’s rest is the best. You should never be at fault for that. At the end of the day, you are human, and there are some basic necessities that you should expect to have; no matter what.

This post is a solution tailored for everyone. Even if you’re a heavily-occupied person, or just operate a regular 9-5 sort-of life, or are busy with school or some other thing, this post is a guide that will help you achieve your goals and achieve them within 12 months.

Addressing a Common Problem

The common problem close to everyone faces when working towards a resolution is time. We just never seem to have enough of it. You wake up early, get back home at midday, but are exhausted, and thus want a quick meal and some entertainment. Lots of us also take naps. And then, just like that, we’re left with just 2-3 hours to spare. And at that point, we might as well spend that time having some extra entertainment or some other activity that gives us a sense of satisfaction and happiness.

Another commonly faced problem is motivation. Sure, we have the time. But, I lack the reason start the task and actually go through with it. Starting is especially the hardest part. I’m already comfortable and in a good position; and I don’t have a good-enough reason to start working and start challenging my mind and body. I’d much rather relax and just enjoy the rest of the day.

Any other reasons are possible, but these are the two most common.

How To Counter Time

First, we’ll deal with time. A good way to analyze this and solve this problem is to look at your day. From the start of the day (the time you wake up) to the end of the day (when you go to bed), what are you doing? Map out the entire day.

Note down even the small micro-tasks. Stuff like preparing coffee, finding and eating a quick snack, and walking a pet all count.

For example, a sample daily outline might look like:

6 AM Wake up
6 – 6:05 AMCheck Notifications
6:05 – 6:20 AMBathroom Essentials (wash face, brush teeth, quick shower)
6:20 – 6:35 AMStyle hair & Dress
6:35 – 6:50 AM Make breakfast
6:50 – 6:55 AMEat breakfast
6:55 – 7:20 AMDrive to work
7:20 AM – 3:00 PMWork
3:00 – 3:25 PMDrive back home
3:25 – 3:45 PMLunch & Entertainment
3:45 – 4:30 PMMore Entertainment & Feed Dog
4:30 – 4:35 PMWash dishes used
4:35 – 4:55 PMWash & Fold clothes
4:55 – 6:15 PMQuick Nap
6:15 – 6:25 PMRestabilizing after Nap
6:25 – 7:00 PMCook Dinner
7:00 – 7:25 PMDinner & Entertainment
7:25 – 9:30 PMEntertainment
9:30 – 9:35 PMFeed dog
9:35 – 9:50 PMNighttime routine
9:50 – 9:55 PMNightly prayer
9:55 – 10:15 PMGo to bed & fall asleep

And… that’s what a full day looks like. As you can see, it’s a lot easier to completely occupy a day with tasks (even if you work just a single job!) than you think. Seriously, mapping these tasks down and writing it all down for you to see really puts this into perspective.

However, notice something.

From 4:55 – 9:30 (a total of 4 hours and 35 minutes), no meaningful tasks were completed; besides cooking and eating dinner, which takes off the 35 minutes from the 4 hours.

And, even with what may seem like a fully-occupied day, you have 4 complete hours to spend doing whatever you want.

There’s your time.

A More Filled Schedule

For this schedule, we’ll be taking the same filled day, except switching a few things to accommodate 2 jobs and 8 hours of sleep.

6 AMWake up
6 – 6:10 AMMorning essentials
6:10 – 6:15 AMDressing
6:15 – 6:25 AMDriving to work (1)
6:30 AM – 1:30 PMWork (1) – Lunch included
1:30 – 1:35 PMEnding shift
1:35 – 1:50 PMDriving to work (2)
1:50 PM – 8:00 PMWork (2)
8:00 – 8:05 PMEnding shift
8:05 – 8:15 PMDriving home
8:15 – 8:25 PMBuying a quick meal (dinner)
8:25 – 8:30 PMContinue driving home
8:30 – 8:35 PMArriving & Accommodating
8:35 – 8:50 PMEating dinner
8:50 – 9:30 PMEntertainment
9:30 – 9:50 PMPreparing breakfast for tomorrow
9:50 – 10:00 PMNighttime essentials
10:00 – 10:10 PMGo to bed & fall asleep

If you take a look at both days, you’ll notice that despite the difference in how much work they get done, each one finds a way to occupy themselves with something.

Person 1 works a single job, but finds lots of more time for entertainment and other activities that require lots of time (like cooking dinner and washing clothes), while the second person doesn’t and instead finds the fastest option (buying instead of cooking dinner, and preparing a meal for the next day so they don’t have to wake up earlier than they have to).

Despite the major difference in both of their days, they still go to sleep at approximately the same time, and still get around 8 hours of sleep; which for many, is an amazing amount of sleep. Both manage to fit in entertainment and some way to enjoy the time left to spare.

What’s The Solution

The solution to the problem of time is actually very simple for a majority of people. Chances are, you actually have lots of time. Even with a fully-occupied day, filled with task after task, you still have around 2 hours of time with which you can do anything.

If you don’t work 2 jobs, you shouldn’t even be on this section – but you are. Many people assume that they don’t have time, and that because they work from 7 to 4, that there’s no way they can get anything done in time – you can. You simply must stop making excuses and just start. You have time, and are abundant in it. What you need is motivation, not time.

Let me help with that.

How To Counter Motivation

We’ll make this really, really quick.

If you lack motivation, ask yourself this question: “Would you rather be in this same exact position a year, two years, or even 10 years from now? No? Then what are you evening doing?”

If you don’t like the position that you’re in, then why would you ever want to continue living in that position in another year? Why, why would you ever do that?

Both problems (the two that we’re addressing in this section) are usually false and really low-supported problems that lack very little sense. You already have a reason to continue. You already have time. Besides that, there are no excuses.

By all means, your resolutions might not (and shouldn’t) be easy. But, that’s a good thing. If life as it is sucks enough already, then another year of it won’t be much better. It sucks more to continue living this way than it does to start and get it over with.

Now, It’s Your Turn

Every year, there are so many creators and influencers that absolutely obliterate the new year and use it as an opportunity to abuse the same style of content and make people feel awful. Don’t fall for that. Every year, so many creators tell you the same information, but please, don’t fall for that.

Don’t come back to this post, don’t go back to those videos, in hope of restarting the process and re-installing the insight that was already given to you. You know what you need to do, and how you’re going to do it. Now it’s your turn to develop your resolutions and go full-force towards the dreams you have burning inside of you.

Don’t give up, and don’t come back in the same position. Come back in a better position; or, don’t come back at all.


Happy New Years. You can do it.

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