How to Find a Passion & Change Your Life

How to Find a Passion & Change Your Life

5 min read

“Passion Will Change Your Life: What You Need To Know”


Finding a passion is one of the most important discoveries that you can make in your life. It’ll give you purpose, craft meaning into your life, and give you something to work for. Without purpose, you will spend the rest of your days here on Earth not knowing what you were sent here to do.

Ultimately, each and every one of us was sent here for something. You were special enough to be born on this beautiful planet and cherish every day with life. Sure, maybe life isn’t all that great. But, it could be better. It could.

Purpose is #1 on that list of “why life’s great”. In this post, I won’t exactly tell you how to find purpose – that’s for another time. Instead, I’ll teach you how to find passion and discover something that interests who you are and gives you something to work everyday for.

Are you ready?

Why Passion Matters

If you’ve been one of the select few to see posts on why working for passion sucks or is a bad idea. Then, I’m here to tell you that there’s two sides to that.

Working for passion is something you’ve seen a million times already. Be honest. Everyone tells you that if you’re passionate in something, then it’s the perfect thing to work for. And, in a sense, they’re right. If you spend the rest of your life working at something that doesn’t interest you or you don’t care about, why bother? For many, it’s because it pays the bills.

And if you want to get anywhere in life, you have to care for the cause that you’re working for. If the company you work for aims at providing free education through an application, and you don’t care about it, you’re the one who is losing.

The 1st Side

Working with passion is like living without sleeping. Every day goes by, and it feels like it all bleeds together. Every day, week, month, year feels the same. Nothing ever changes.

However, if you were to work for passion, you feel something change. All of a sudden, you like getting up in the morning and knowing that you have to work. You love knowing that there’s a bunch of work to get done, and that you’re the one who’s in charge of it.

That’s what working for passion feels like. It feels great.

The 2nd Side

On the other hand, you may work for passion and it sucks just as much as working for something that you aren’t passionate for.

This happens because you work for a passion, and in the beginning, it’s great. However, because working sucks and because it tires the mind (which is why we psychologically dislike such tasks), we end up disliking work even if it is regarding a subject that we’re passionate on.

If you’re someone who’s frequently on the internet, you’ve probably heard something along the lines of that. Working for passion doesn’t matter, because it doesn’t pay the bills. And, there is some truth to that statement. Working for passion won’t always pay the bills, and it sadly doesn’t for many of us.

Just because we like doing something doesn’t mean that it’s sustainable. And so, we can’t continue. Just because passion is awesome and because it makes you motivated to work, doesn’t mean that it’ll always be like that forever. Just because we like working for passion, doesn’t mean that it’ll pay the most.

What Should You Do?

You could undoubtedly work the rest of your days at something that doesn’t or does interest you and be totally fine.

However, if you aren’t someone who is in desperate need of money, then I suggest you keep reading.

  • When you are 30 years older than your current age, wishing that you were younger (back in your prime), will you have wished to make the most money, or have made the most of your life?

Think that through. Then go to the next question.

  • When you are retired, done working, and are looking back at past memories, will you have wished that you could turn back time to make even more money than you were making, or have wished for a career that satisfied you even more and made a difference in the lives of others and yours?

The Choice is Yours

Passion matters because it gives you a reason to work. Do anything without purpose, and life will pass by like the blink of an eye. You won’t even see it coming.

You can live the next few decades of your life just asking yourself: what am I meant for?

There’s no pressure here. Well, actually, maybe a little bit.

After all, the choice is yours. No one is going to be there to always hold your hand and make sure that everything is ok. That’s where your decision right here, right now, comes in handy. You must decide what you’re meant for and why.

“What Is Your Destiny?”

Step #1: Self-Reflection

It’s time to find out what your passion is.

The first step to that process if to engage in self-reflection. Take time to identify activities, hobbies, or subjects that bring you joy and excitement. Even if it’s something silly, like how spiders create their webs, just let it happen. After all, that process that spiders perform can actually be a subject of matter that can get you interested in biology, genetic engineering, or biomaterials.

Reflect on moments in your life when you felt most alive and fulfilled. What were you doing? What skills were you utilizing? These insights can provide valuable clues about your true passions and interests.

Step #2: Explore Your Interests

Once you’ve discovered the said thing that interests you, find time to dedicate to it.

Dive into different activities, hobbies, or fields that align with your passions. Attend workshops, classes, or events related to your interests. Immerse yourself in new experiences and be open to trying new things. This exploration phase is crucial for gaining clarity and understanding what resonates with you on a deeper level.

For example, going back to the example from earlier, you can spend time researching how spiders make their webs more in-depth. You can take time to learn about how they make webs through a special organ, the proteins that make up the web, its biodegradability, strength, and special use cases if it can be mass produced.

You see? Not very difficult. (unless your passion requires a lot more than a computer and internet)

Step #3: Keep An Open Mind

When it’s something that you are interested and passionate in, the brain will store practically anything it comes across. For this reason, it’s important to pay attention to the things that spark your curiosity and intrigue, follow your intuition and pursue activities or opportunities that pique your interest.

If applicable, search up a video on whatever interests you the most. Take time to learn a few new things about it. Then see how easy it is for the brain to remember that information.

Be sure to always keep an open mind and be willing to step outside of your comfort zone. Sometimes, your passion may emerge from unexpected places or experiences. Trust your instincts and allow yourself to explore new possibilities without judgment or limitation.

Step #4: Finding a Passion

Once you’ve gained clarity, discovered your most significant interests, found the one that stood out the most, and pursued it, it’s time to take action.

It’s time to ask yourself the big question:

Do you think this is the right path for yourself? Do you see yourself doing this for the next few decades of your life, despite what others may say, how relatively “low” you may be paid, and how you might not be as “good” as others?

It’s a few questions packed into one. But either way, it’s an important one to ask yourself. After all, if you’re planning to spend the next few decades of your life working (which is totally fine, don’t let anyone ever tell you that it isn’t), then you want to spend it doing something that you love.

This step is the longest for a good reason. This one is the most important – by far. This is the step in which you cement your decision and reach an internal consensus. Are you happy with the action that you’re taking? Is it forced? Or is it really you making the decision?

Reaching A Final Decision

Turn off any noise. Block off any light. Sit down. Stop thinking. Sit straight. Just breath.

What makes you feel like you spend your time well, no matter what time or day it is? What makes you feel good, even on a bad day? When will you ever be happy and willing to work, even if it’s for 12 hours straight, on a project? What gives you a reason to be excited for?

Once you’ve found the general answer to each one of these questions, you’ve found your passion.

“How to Keep An Open Mind: Full Guide”

How I Found Passion

Everyone around you – your family, friends, teachers, influencers, the media, the internet – all of them will try selling you an idea (even if it’s monetarily free) that they think is “right” for you.

Truth is, you’ll never find real, genuine, motivating, pure passion like that. Ever.

If you want to find something that motivates you every morning to get up and pursue it, then you need to start from the root. Each one of us are born with interests, strong points, and weaknesses. The idea is: you have to find what that is.

To find something that fulfilled such a criteria, I had to explore. First, I thought I wanted to be gamer; because it was the only thing that I ever liked doing, day to day. Then I got older, and realized that I was meant for more than that. For years, I’ve jumped from interest to interest – spanning from drawing, to professional baseball, to professional football, to history, to climate change, to engineering, to robotics, to coding, and now here. Education.

It’s been a long road for me, but eventually, I found what interested and mattered to me the most – providing real value to the world. If there’s one common trend that I found among the last few big passions that I had, it was helping the world in some way. Sure, although the impact you and I are picturing isn’t that significant of an impact, it still is -nonetheless- an impact performed by me on the world.

Why You Haven’t Found Passion Yet

The point is: it’s not easy to find passion. People all over the internet and in real life will advertise you with a fake passion that isn’t and never was meant for you. Sure, maybe starting a business is cool, but it’s heavily time consuming and requires a level of effort that may be beyond your reach. Sure, maybe you want to be an comedian, but standing up on stage is just as bad as jumping out of a plane without a parachute.

At the end of the day, you have to find passion naturally. If you force passion, you will always hate the work that you end up doing. But, if you just let it happen, let life go by and just do what you are supposed to do every single day, you will find that spark of hope that will guide you to the road of fulfillment and eternal happiness; for as long as you live.

My Big Tip: Let Life Happen

You may have no genuine interests right now except things that are extremely stimulating, such as playing video games, binging your favorite TV series all day, and scrolling on your phone until your eyes just give up on you.

Everyone knows that the human mind loves doing those things – because they’re stimulating. But everyone knows that those are not passions. Passions are found, not created.

So, if you’re someone who is looking for a road to walk on, and are someone with no passion or motivation to work on anything at all, you should consider not forcing it. Let life happen and just wait for your interest to be sparked at random. Life will throw rocks at you, similar to how it will throw roses at you. Life is like a box of chocolates: you never know what you’re gonna get.

As long as you have patience, take care of your mental health, and are willing to keep an open mind, you will find that passion that you’ve always been dreaming of.

What About The Content From Earlier?

The steps above still work. But, these personal tips that I’m providing you are ones that are more deep and for those who really don’t believe that they are passionate in anything. You are. You just haven’t waited long enough.

“The Human Timeline: Explored”


Passion and purpose go hand-in-hand in defining who you are and what you become. If you are willing to wait, be open, and experience new experiences, it will arrive right at your doorstep. There is no need to climb mountains or take the stairs, because the package to your life’s purpose will arrive right at your doorstep. It all just takes time. If you are someone who refuses to leave their room, who refuses to find any meaning behind screens, you will end up nowhere. Is that the path you want to take?

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